photo: Marie Larsson

Cia Lindroth |
Chelsea is
partially owned by Andrea and the kennel. She is brown-white with tan. Chelsea is just like her older sister, Chanel, incredibly kind, positive, easy to learn and is always up white everything that goes on.
Chelsea has become Best in show-puppy-2, 3 times during 2008, and Best in
Show puppy at several occasions.
At her debut in juniorclass, she won it
with CQ and placed as 2:nd best bitch. At 11 months old, she was Best in
Show at Springer östras dogshow-2009 and BOB and CC at Visby national
Chelsea became top junior 2009
and10:th best showspringer
2009. She became 3:rd springer of the year at Springer östras showdog 2009.
She took her second and third CC and BOS in Visby in May-2010,
she has not filled two year so she has to wait for her championtitel.
Chelsea got her last CC and BOS and became Swedish Champion May 23:th, two
years and one week old. She became 13:th best showspringer 2010. She became 2:nd best show springer of the
year at Springer östras-2010.
In February-2011
became Chelsea mother to a litter contains of 7 puppies, 3 males and 4
In March-2012 became Chelsea mother to a litter contains of 4 puppies,2
males and 2 bitches. In May-2013 became Chelsea mother to a litter
contains of 8 puppies 3 males and 5 bitches.
In November-2013 became
Chelsea mother to her last puppy litter contains of 7 puppies, 4 males and 3
In the middle of May-2016 became Chelsea BOB and BIS-3
veteran in Ulriksdal. In the end of May-2016 became Chelsea BOB and BIS-1
veteran in Södertälje.In the middle of June-2016 became Chelsea best
veteran (BOB-veteran) in Vänerborg she also became best bitch-3. In
Leksand became Chelsea BOB-veteran in the middle of June-2016. In the
beginning of July wins Chelsea the veteran class and became BOB-veteran and
BIS-3 veteran in Sunne. In the end of July-2016 in Ransäter became Chelsea
once again BOB veteran. Chelsea become top show-3 veteran 2016.
the first show of the year 2017 Chelsea became BOB and BIS-2 veteran in
Strängnäs in Marsh. In the begining of April-2017 became Chelsea BOS-veteran
and best bitch-4 in Kungsbacka. In the beginning of May-2017 on a double
show on Gotland become Chelsea Double BOB-veteran and the first day she
become BIS-3 veteran and the second day she become BIS-2 veteran. In the
middle of May-2017 became Chelsea BOB-vetera in Ulriksdal.In the end of
May-2017 was Chelsea on a double show in Hasslarp the first day she wins the
veteranclass and became BOS-veteran and the 2:nd day she wins the
veteranclass, became best bitch-4 and BOB and BIS-4 veteran. In the middle
of June-2017 in Vännäs became Chelsea BOB veteran and best bitch-4. In the
beginning of July-2017 in Sunne became Chelsea BOB-veteran and BIS-3
veteran. In the end of July-2017 Chelsea became BOB-veteran in Ransäter. In
the middle of August-2017 became Chelsea BOS-veteran in Ronneby. Chelsea was
runner up top veteran-2017.
In January-2018 became Chelsea BOB and
BIS-veteran in Kumla. In the beginning of April-2018 became Chelsea
BOB-vetranand BIS-3 veteran in Malmö. Chelsea became BOB-veteran in
Forshaga in the middle of April-2018. In the beginning of May-2018 at
Gotland Chelsea became BOB-veteran two days and BIS-3 and BIS-4 veteran. In
Hasslarp in the end of May-2018 became Chelsea BOB veteran both days and day
one BIS-3 veteran and day two BIS-2 veteran. In the beginning of June-2018in
became Chelsea BOB-veteran. In the beginning of July-2018 became Chelsea
BOB-veteran in Tvååker. In Örnsköldsvik in the end of July-2018 became
Chelsea best bitch-3 BOB-veteran and BIS-2 veteran. In the beginning of
Augsut-208 became Chelsea BOBveteran in Svenstavik. In the middle of
Augsuti-2018 became Chelsea best bitch-4 in Eskilstuna.. I mitten av
september 2018 blev Chelsea BIR-veteran i Eslöv.
Chelsea become top veteran-2018.
In the end of March-2021 fell
this incredibly amazing dog asleep at just under 13
years old. The loss is unbelievably sad and she has
left a big void behind, we enjoy her children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren here at the kennel.
Chelsea has left so many beautiful and revival offspring not only in Sweden
and in Swedish kennels and also in many countries in
Europe, USA, Asia, South America and Australia.
is DNA tested and clear for
progressive retinal atrophy (cord1).
Chelsea has
4 CAC 30 BOB-veteran 4 BOS-veteran 3 BIS-1 veteran
10 BIS-2 veteran 7 BIS-3 veteran 12BIS-4 veteran
Top Junior of the year-2009
Swedish Show Champion
Top Veteran 2018

Chelsea BOB-veeran in
Svenstavik 5 Augsut-2018

Chelsea BIob and BIS-2
veteran Örnsköldsvik 28 july-2018

Chelsea BOB and
BIS-2 veteran Hasslarp 27 May-2018

Chelsea BOB and
BIS-3 veteran Hasslarp 26 May-2018

BIS-3 veteran Gotland 6 may-2018

BIS-4 veeran Gotland 5 may

Chelsea BIS-3 i veteran Malmö 1

Chelsea BIS-veteran Kumla 20

BOB-veteran in
Vännäs 18 June-2017

Chelsea BOB and BIS-4
veteran Hasslarp 28 May-2017

Chelsea BOB-veteran
Ulriksdal 20 May-2017

Chelsea BOB and BIS-2 veteran Gotland 7

Chelsea BOB and BIS-3 veteran Gotland 6

Chelsea BOB-veteran
Ransäter 30 July 2016

BOB and BIS-3
veteran i nSunne 9 july-2016

Chelsea BIS-veteran maj-2016

Chelsea BOB and BIS-3 veteran
Ulriksdal May 21-2016


photo: Cia Lindroth

photo: Britt Kiderud

Photo: Cia Lindroth

Photo: Cia Lindroth