13 months photo: Cia Lindroth
 13 months photo: Cia

13 months photo: Cia

Cecilia BOB and BIS-2 puppy

9 weeks

9 weeks
Cecilia is
daughter to Chanel. She is nice girl who is very positive and easy to learn.
She is brown and white.
On her first dogshow in November-2011 became Cecilia BOS-puppy,
only four months old, in Östersund and the day after she became BOB and BIS-2
In the middle of January-2012 became Cecilia
BOB-puppy and her brother Athos became BOS-pupy in Sollentuna. In the end of
January-2012 became Cornelia BOB-pupy and BIS-2 puppy, her brother Athos
became BOS-puppy again in Kungsör. In the middle of Februay-2012 became Cecilia BOB
and BIS-puppy in Mjölby. Cecilia became best bich-3 in Visby in May-2012 she
got reserv-CC. In Ulriksdal May-2012 became Cecilia 2:nd best bitch with CC.
In Östervybruk May-2012 became Cecilia best bitch-4. In
Vallentuna May-2012 became Cecilia 2:nd best bitch and reserv-CC. In
beginning of June became Cecilia BOB and she got CC in Norrköping. In the
beginning of July became Cecilia BOB and she got CC and became BIG-2 in
Alfta. In September-2012 bcame Cecilia best bitch-3 with reserv-CC in
Sofiero. In October-2012 wins Cecilia the juniorclass in Mjölby. In
December-2012 became Cecilia beset juniorbitch and got the titel Swedish
Juniorwinner-2012 she also qualified to Crufts 2013, she became also best
bitch-2 and got CC. Cecilia became Top Junior of the year-2012.
She became top show
springer-10 of the year 2012.
In Gothenburg in January-2013 became Cecilia best
bitch-3 and got reserv-CC. In the end of January in Kumla became Cecilia
best bitch, BOS and BIS and got CC again. In the beginning of March-2013 in
Moheda became Cecilia best bitch and BOS and BIS/BOS-3 she got CC again.
In mid-March
2013 in Stängnäs
Cecilia won
the intermediate class
was 2nd best bitch
beaten by her
cousin Cornelia
became Champion,
she got reserve
CAC and
reserve CACIB.
In end of April-2013 won Cecilia internediate class and became best bitch-3
with reserv-CC. In the beginning of May-2013 in Visby became Cecilia best
youngbitch two days after each other and she got best bitch-2 the first day
and best bitch-4 the second day and she got two CC more, now she has eight
CC. In the middle of May-2013 Cecilia best youngbitch in Ulriksdal, she got
reserv-CC and became est bitch-3. In teh middle of May-2013 in Östersund
became Cecilia best youngbitch, best bitch with her 9:th CC and BOB and BIG
and BIS-2. In the middle of May-2013 in Österbybruk became Cecilia BOB, she
got her 10:th CC and CACIB. In beginning of June in Norrköping became
Cecilia best bitch-4. In the beginning of June-2013 in Härnösand became got
Cecilia her 11:th CC and she got BOB and BIS-2. In mid June-2013 became
Cecilia best youngbitch and best bitch-4 with reserv-CC. In beginning of
July-2013 became Cecilia Swedish show Champíon just over 2 years and one
week old, she became best bitch-3 with her 12 CC in Sunne. In the middle of
July-2013 became Cecilia BOS and got CACIB in Köping In the end of July-2013
became Cecilia BOB and got CACIB in Ransäter. In the beginning of
August-2013 became Cecilia best bitch-2 with reserv-CACIB in Svenstavik.
In middle of August-2013
became Cecilia best bitch-2 and got CACIB in Norrköping, the day after she
became best bitch-3 in Eskilstuna. In the end of Augusti-2013 became Cecilia
BOB and BIS at Springer Östras Open Show. The day after Cecilia became BOB
and BIG at Solvalla, Stockholm. In the middl of September-2013 became
Cecilia best bitch and BOB and BIG-4 at Öland. Cecilia became best bitch-3
in Gimo in the middle of September-2013. In the end of September-2013 in
Smedjebacken became Cecilia best championbitch and best bitch-2. In the end
of September-2013 became Cecilia best bitch with finish CC and finish CACIB
and BOS in Eckerö at Åland. In end of November-2013 in Åre became Cecilia
best bitch-3. The day after in Åre Cecilia became 2:nd best championbitch
and best bitch-4.
She became top show
springer-3 of the year 2013. Cecila became top show springer at springer
östra 2013
Cecilia debute the show year in February 2014 in Estoni. a and became
Estonian show Chammpion, BOS, CACIB and CC. On Cecilias first show 2014 in
Sweden she became BOBand BIS-2 in Moheda in the beginning of Marsh. She
became best bitch-2 in Sundsvall in the middle of April-2014.In the
beginning of May at Gotalnd became Cecilia BOB and BIS-2 one day and the
other day at Gotlands show she became best bitch-3.In the middle of May
became Cecilia best championbitch and best bitch-3 in Ulriksdal. In the end
of May-2014 became Cecilia BOS wo days in Hasslarp and the third day in the
end of May she became BOB in Norrköping. In the beginning of June-2014 becae
Cecilia best bitch and BOB in Örnsköldsvik the day after in Sundsvall became
Cecilia best bitch and BOB in Sundsvall. In the beginning of July-204 became
Cecilia BOB and BIS-3 in Sunne. Cecilia became best bitch-3 in the middle of
July-2014 in Askersund. In the beginning of August-2014 became Cecilia BOB
and got CACIB and became International Show Champion C.I:E.In the middle of
August-2014 became Cecilia BOS and got CACIB in Norrköping. In the end of
August-2014 became Cecilia best championbitch and best bitch-3 in Visby,
Gotland. Cecilia became BOS and BIS/BOS in Gutavsberg in the end of
Augsut-2014..In the beginning of September2014 becam Cecilia best
bitch-3 in Vännäs.In the end of October-2014 became Cecilia best
bitch-2 in Mjölby.
In the middle of November-2014 became Cecilia best
championbitch and best bitch-2 in Åstorp. Cecilia became top show dog at
Springer Össtra 2014,
Runner up top springer of the year-2014
Cecilia became best bitch-2 in Mjölby in February-2015.
In the end of March-2015 became Cecilia best bitch-2 in Högbo. In the end of
April-2015 in Västerås became Cecilia best championbitch and best bitch-2.
In the beginning of May-2015 became Cecilia day one at Gotland BOS and
BIS/BOS-4 and day two she became BOB and BIS-3. Cecilia became best
bitch-2in Ulriksdal in the middle of May-2015. In the end of May-2015 in
Tönsberg, Norway got Cecilia CAC and became Norwegian and Nordic show
Champion. In the begiining of July-205 in Sunne became Cecilia best bitch-3
Cecilia became top show dog at Springer Östra 2015. During the summer-2015
has Cecilia her first puppylitter.
In the end of January-2016 became Cecilia 2:nd best championbitch and
best bitch-3 in Kumla. In the middle of March-2016 in Strängnäs became
Cecilia 2:nd bestbitch after she had won the championclass, she got a
reserv-CACIB also. During the summer-2016 has Cecilia har second puppy
In the end of Marsh-2017 wins
Ceilia the championclass in Högbo and became best bitch-3. In April-2017
became Cecilia 2:d best champion bitch and best bitch-4 in Västerås. In the
begiining of May-2017 on a double show on Gotland became Ceilia BOB and best
in show twoo days after each other. In the middle of June-2017 became
Cecilia best bitch-2 in Vänersborg. In the middle of June-2017 in Gränna
became Cecilia best bitch-4.In the beginning of July-2017 became Cecilia
best bitch and BOS in Sunne she also BOS/BIS-4. In the end of July-2017
became Cecilia BOS in Ransäter she also got CACIB. In the end of August-2017
became Cecilia BOS in Märsta. Cecilia became springer ösras top show
In the beginning of May-2018 become Cecilia 2 and 3 bitch
at Gotlands two days dogshow. In the middle of May-2018 in Skellefer became
Cecilia best bitch-3 in Skellefteå. In the end of May-2018 became Cecilia
best bitch-4 in Hasslarp and day two in Hasslarp became Cecilia BOB
In the end of April-2019 in Tmrå wins Cecili a big championclass and become
best bitch-2.. In the beginning of May-2019 become Cecilia best bitch-4 at
Gotland.. In the beginning of September-2019 become Cecilia BOB-veteran
and BIS-3 veteran at Gotland.
The most finest, most
beautiful and nicest Cecilia, after a period of illness, she
fell asleep in April-2020 8.5 years old. We miss her
amazingly this amazing wonderful dog.
She is
DNA tested and clear for progressive retinal atrophy (cord1).
has: 4 BIS
4 BIS-2 2 BIS-3
1 BIG-2
1 BIG-4
21 BOB
12 BOS
9 CACIB (1 finish CACIB and 1 estonian CACIB)
CERT/CAC (1 finish CAC and 1 estonian CAC and 1 Norwegian CAC)
1 BOB-veteran 1 BIS-3 veteran
Swedish Champion
Swedish Juniorwinner-2012 Crufts qualified-2013
Top Junior of the year-2012
3:rd best top showspringer 2013 International show champion
C.I.E. Norwegian show champion Nordic champion Runner up top springer of the year-2014 Springer Östras Top
Show dog 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017

Cecilia BIS-3 veteran at Gotlands
International dogshow 1 September-2019

Cecilia BOB Hasslarp May-2018

Cecilia BIS Gotland 7 May-2017

Cecilia BIS Gotland 6 May-2017

Cecilia Marsh-2017

december-2016 pfoto Patricia
Norwaigan and Nordic champio May
23 2015 photo Pia Eidenbom

Cecilia BOS and BOB and BIS-3
wo days at Gotland May 9-10-2015

Cecilia BOS and BIS/BOS in Gustavsberg August 31

Cecilia International champion in Jönköping
August 1-2014

2 BOS and 1 BOB in three days in May-2014

Cecilia BIS-2 at Gotland May 10 2014

Cecilia February 2014

Cecilia BOB and BIG-4 Öland 8 september-2013

Cecilia BOB and BIG, Solvalla September 1 2013

Cecilia (Big Brazzel Every Time We Touch) Best in Show Springer Östra Open

Cecilia Swedish Show Champion July-2013

Cecilia June-2013

The cousins Cornelia
Cecilia BOB and BIS-2
in Örnsköldsvik and Härnösand June-2013

10:th CC, CACIB, BOB, Österbybruk May 25 2013

10:th CC, CACIB, BOB, Österbybruk May 25 2013

Cecilia BOB, BIG, BIS-2 Östersund May-2013

Cecilia BOB, BIG, BIS-2 Östersund May-2013

Cecilia BOB and BIS in Kumla January-2013

Swedish Juniorwinner Stockholms internatinal
dogshow December-2012

Alfta BIR och BIG-2 juli-2012

Cecilia (Big Brazzel Every Time We Touch) CAC in Ulriksdal May-2012

Cecilia in Visby May-2012 photo: Britt Kiderud

7 month february-2012

7 month february-2012