Name: Reg no: Born: Colour: Parents:
 SEVCH Big Brazzel Zuper Winner SE23901/2019 2019-04-04  Brown and White  SE(U)CH Big Brazzel Candy Crush och
DKCH(U) SE(U)CH DKKV16 NORDV16 DKJV15 AMSV15 AMSJV15 Sieger's Money Talks
3,5 months old  May-2020

7,5 weeks old

Calippo is daugher to Candy and Messi. She is brown and white In the middle of November-2019 become Calippo BOB and BIS-4 puppy in Östersund

Calippo lives with a co-owner in Stockholm and will start hunting training and of course will she continue to be show in the showrings.

In April-2021 become Calippo Swedish trackin champion.

At Gotland May 4-2024 become Calippo best bitch-2 and get reserve-CAC and on May 5-2024 become Calippo best birch-4 and get reserve-CAC

In Märsta July 19-2024 become CalIppo best bitch-3 and get CAC

In Askersund August 11-2024 become Calippo best bitch-2 with CAC and reserv-Nordic CAC

In Gimo September 15-2014 become Calippo best openbitch with reserve-CAC

In Karskoga January 18-2025 wins Calippo a big openclass nd got reserve-CAC.

Calippo has:
4 reserve-CAC
1 reserve-Nordic-CAC

Swedish tracking champion

Calippo CAC in Askersund 11 August-2024

Calippo  CAC in 19 July-2024

Calippo 2 reserv-CAC 4 and 5 May-2024 Gotand


3,5 months old May-2020

Calippo BOB and BIS-4puppy in i Östersund i november-2019

7,5 weeks old


About Calippo Results Pedegree

Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-19