Name: Reg no: Born: Colour: Parents:
SEUU(U)CH LITCH Big Brazzel Grand Slam SE52254/2020 2020-08-29 Brown, white and tan

  "Cobra" Big Brazzel Rockabye Baby and "Ture" SEU(U)CH DKCH(U) NORDCH Lizziardhs Valentino


3 months old November-2020
7,5 weeks
Ceeper is son after Cobra and Ture. He is brown, white and tan.

On his debut show in Östersund in October-2021 become Ceeper best male-4 with reserve-CAC

Ceeper bbecome best male with CAC BOB and BIS at Gotland 7 May-2022 and at 8 May-2022 he got reserve-CAC and become best male-2 at Gotland

In May 21-2022 at Ulriksdal become Ceeper best youngmale, best male-2 with CAC

 In Piteå 27 May-2022 become Ceeper best male-2 with reserve-CAC and in Skellefteå May 28 -2022 become Ceeper best male-2 and get his 3:rd CAC

In Sunne 9 July-2022 become Ceeper best male 2 after he wins the youngmaleclass, he got reserve-CAC

In Västerås 24 July-2022 become Ceeper best male-4 with reserve-CAC

I n Driskininkai 5-7 August-2022 become Ceeper BOS he get CACIB and  reserve-CACIB, bbecome best mal, best male-2 and best male-3 and get 3 CAC and Lithuania champion

In Askersund August 14, 2022 become Ceeper best male-2 with CAC and Nordic reeserv-CAC

On Öland September 3 September-2022 become Ceeper best male and get CAC and BOB and BIG and Swedish champion

In Karlsborg 4 September-2022 become Ceeper best male and BOB and BIS-3

In Åstorp November-12-2022 wins Ceeper best male and BOS

Ceeper become best male-2 in Kumla Jauary 21 2023

In Moheda 5 March-2023 become Ceeper best male and BOS and BIS/BOS-2

I Forshaga 15 Apil-2023 become Ceeper best openmale and best male-32

In Väserås become Ceeper best openmale and best mal-2April 23 2023

In Örsköldsvik become Ceeper best male-4 and best male-2 May 27-28 2023

Ceeper semi-final qualified Stockholms most beautiful dog June 6-2023

Ceeper bescome best male-2 with reserve-Nordic- CAC in Vännäs June 11-2023

In July 8-2023 becom Ceeper best male-3 in Sunne

In August 13-2023 become Ceeper best male-2 with reserve-CACIB in Askersund

In Gimo September 15-2024 become Ceeper best male-2

In Karlskoga January 18-2025 become Ceeper best male, BOS and BIS/BOS

Ceepe has
1 BIS-3
5 reserve-CAC
2  reserve-CACIB
2 Nordic reserve-CAC

Lithuania champion
Swedish show champion
Qualified to Stockholms most beautiful dog 2022
Qualified to Upplands most beautiful dog 2022
Qualified to Upplands most beautiful dog 2023

BOS and BIS/BOS in Karlskoga 18 January-2025

Ceeper BIS/BOS-2 Moheda 5 March-2023

Ceeper BOB and BIS-3 in Karlsborg 3 september-2022

Ceeper BOB and BOG championat  Öland 3 september-2022

Ceeper Lithuania champion ni Droskininkai August-2022


Ceeper best male -2, CAC in Ulriksdal 21  May-2022

eeper bbecome best male with CAC BOB and BIS at Gotland 7 May-2022 and at 8 May-2022 he got reserve-CAC and become best male-2 at Gotland
Ceeper best male-4 with reserve-CAC in Östersund 3 October-2021

7  months old March-2021

3  months old November-2020

 7 veckor


About Ceeper Results Pedegree

Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-19